Sunday, August 18, 2024


You're a D.E.I. hire and your family owned slaves

Some dopes believe the silly stuff that you say

You're a fake stealing Trump's positions

You're full of crap It's all a show

All over the map, You say you will fix inflation, 

but we know We all know

Kamalalalala Kamala Chameleon

It's all a show, It's all a show

You keep changing your accent, depends on where you are

Calling for price controls, price controls

You keep saying what you'll do on 'day 1'

You want to take away our guns

Your lust for power is your addiction

You raised bail for rioting criminals

Your campaign is a phony fiction

Everything you say is false, It's all false

Kamalalalala Kamala Chameleon

It's all a show. It's all a show

You keep changing your accent, depends on where you are

You're a meme, yes, you're a meme

One day's a Southern accent,  the next day you're Jamaican

We can't keep track of all the positions you've taken

One day it's southern accent, the next day you're jive talkin'

You're just pandering, You're just faking

It seems you're running AGAINST the last 3 years

You're running against YOUR OWN RECORD

The news media wants us to forget that you're THE VICE PRESIDENT


Kamalalala Kamala Chameleon

It's all a show, It's all a show

You speak in word salads, Communism is your dream

You cackle like a hyena, a hyena

Kamalalala Kamala Chameleon

It's all a show, It's all a show

You chose Tim Walz because the other guy was a Jew

Nothing you say is true, You just spew

Kamalalala Kamala Chameleon

It's all a show, It's all a show

The cable networks are SHAMELESS, campaigning for you


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