Wednesday, January 25, 2023

An RSR Exclusive: We Spoke To An Exorcist Regarding Nancy Pelosi and The Democrats

Last week, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi summoned an exorcist to remove evil spirits from her San Francisco townhouse that she shares with her homosexual husband Paul. We at RSR have been reporting about the unclean spirits living inside her head since 2013. 

In this exclusive report, we speak to renouned exorcist, Father Damian Karras. He shed light on the dark world of demonic activity inside The Democrat Party, and asked him how does one spot demonic activity in our politicians. 

It is widely known that the former Speaker is indeed possessed by an Unclean Spirit, and is in need of an exorcism. She is also a Democrat, and Democrats LOVE to project. She blames the demonic activity in her life on her domicile when she should be removing the demon(s) inside HER. 

We asked him about the leading figures in the Democrat party. The father told us:

Representative Adam Schiff probably isn't 'possessed', but rather 'HAUNTED'. The California Congressman's eyes bulge like someone who is seeing a ghost. Rather than calling an exorcist, someone should call The Ghostbusters.

Many members of Congress are pedophiles, and aren't possessed in the strict sense of the word. They are just horrible, evil people who follow Satan. 

The Democrats in The Minnesota State Legislature have voted for the most extreme pro-abortion legislation in the country, so they're not possessed, but rather, they worship their demonic God, Moloch.

We asked Father Karras about Joe Biden. He told us that the president probably isn't possessed by a demon, unless he's possessed by a really, really DUMB, CORRUPT, SENILE demon.

We wondered about members of AntiFa, and green-haired employees of government schools who talk about sex to their 8-year-old students. He suggested that members of AntiFa aren't 'possessed, but just maladjusted, violent douches. As for your local green-haired teachers, parents really need to watch out for them.

Then, we asked about Sam Brinton, Biden's dress-wearing, luggage-stealing transgender weirdo. Our resident exorcist surmised that Brinton may have an actual demon living inside him/her/it.

As for leftists on Twitter. We showed him tweets and he cried out 'GOOD LORD!!!!' and clutched his chest. It was obvious there is widespread demonic possession on Twitter.

Father Karras suggested that F.B.I. Headquarters needs a thorough exorcism. In fact, he startled us when he said that the demonic possession of Washington D.C. IS NEARLY COMPLETE. It looks like a Pro-Trump Republicans are persecuted like Christians were in Ancient Rome.

Thanks to Father Damian Karras. for this timely information. For The RedSquirrel Report, this is your bushy-tailed correspondent.

Good night.

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