Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Pajama Boy: Elon Musk Bought Twitter. I Am Shaking In My Onesy!!!!

On Monday, billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion, and many leftists are panicking in abject terror.  On the other hand, former Twitter CEO  Jack Dorsey has expressed approval of Musk's purchase of the Social Media site.

Here to share his feelings is RSR contributor, a very shaken Pajama Boy:

I am in my fortified pillow fort, shaking in my onesie. I understand that several conservatives have already returned to Twitter, following the shocking purchase of the social media platform. Many Twitter employees have left in protest.

The View's Sunny Holsten says that Elon Musk will allow Twitter will become  a site where 'straight, White men can express their racist, sexist views!' and spread disinformation! The world is ending indeed!

Many of us fear that Musk will remove the guard rails of speech, allowing Nazis like Donald Trump and Tucker Calson to say whatever they want! I hope that this doesn't anger our Muslim and Communist masters!!!! Oh dear, my throat is PARCHED! Mom, can you make me some more hot cocoa?!!!

I am shaking in terror, and have to hold my cup of hot cocoa with BOTH HANDS! What are we going to do now that we can't censor people we dissagree with???!! 

Oh NO! former presidential candidate Howard Dean has left Twitter!!!!  He's a temperate and calm voice we need to hear. HEEEEEEAAAAWWWWW!!!!!

Mom, I want some more hot cocoa........

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