Sunday, April 17, 2022

Nicolae Carpathia's Easter Address

Today is Easter, a holiday celebrated by Christians and non-Christians. Many don bonnets and attend church services, and the children hunt for Easter eggs. Many celebrate their savior Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead. 

To others, it's more of a fertility festival, with bunnies and painted chicken ova. Americans spend millions on dye kits and Easter candy. Here to give his two cents on Easter 2022 is the future ruler of Planet Earth, Nicolae Carpathia:

Dear inhabitants of America and Planet Earth,

Our plans are right on schedule. Vladimir Putin is murdering Ukrainian civilians (World War 3 is coming soon!), Christian insurrectionists in America are being rounded up and sent to Biden's prisons, and somebody at The New York Times recently wrote a piece suggesting that we should 'get rid of God!'

The Pedophile and Sodomite Lobby is protesting that fascist Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his 'Don't Say Gay' law, but the good news is my guy in The White House is bringing America to her knees!

The Boss is pleased, but he knows that time is short. Americans are waking up and Election Day 2022 is coming. My ultra-corrupt Communist-Democrats are running out of time. Republican legislatures are cleaning up their election systems, so it may be very hard to cheat. 

Our Queen of Disinformation Jen Psaki is leaving The White House, and our 'News' Channel CNN is hemorrhaging viewership. We need to train up more disinformation foot soldiers to gaslight The American People!

Our people at Twitter are doing a bang-up job, censoring views that run contrary with the Satanic party line. We have our army of ultra-violent Negroids committing heinus hate crimes all over the country, while our news stations only cover police shootings! All the saints are sinners and all the sinners saints! 

All Hail Satan! 

It looks like 6uild 6ack 6etter is dead for now, and America will not give up their guns. Still, we believe that The Great Reset is RIGHT ON SCHEDULE. My lieutenants Schwab and Gates tell me that we will have a worldwide famine by next year!

People with growling bellies are so much easier to control!

The citizens are discovering our Worldwide Covid Plademic was a ruse to send ballots to dead people and commit election fraud. It also helped our cause that Democrat Governors would literally arrest people for attending illegal church services. We'll need to come up with an even more engenius, devious plan if we want to keep Donald Trump out of The White House in 2024! 

But this is Easter. I prefer the term 'Ishtar'. We must keep everyone's mind off of that troublemaker, Jesus Christ, and make government their god!

Happy Fertility Day! 

N.C., Future Ruler of Planet Earth 

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