Wednesday, March 16, 2022

'Deep Thoughts' With Kamala Harris

Recently, Vice-President Kamala Harris gave a rather condescending explaination of the current situation in The Ukraine. We here at RSR think that she should keep the ball rolling, so here she is to give us her thoughts of America's relationship with Communist China:

Communist China is a great, big country with lots of people, and Taiwan is like China's runaway child. If your child ran away, would you want your naughty kid to come back home? Would you send your army to bring your brat home? Of course you would!

Now, some Americans don't think that Taiwan would be brought back home. Taiwan's Mom sends her fighter jets over Taiwan's airspace just to check to make sure that Taiwan's alright. America buys lots of stuff from China, and owes her tons of money. America is like that really irresponsible, good-for-nothing uncle who spends too much.

Hard-working Chinese workers make lots of basketball sneakers and stuff. The American news media, the Hollywood movie studios,  and sports leagues want their money, so they make sure to be super-nice to China. Many American politicians even sleep with Chinese spies.The Chinese don't like Americans bad-mouthing them, so Hollywood makes sure to show Communist China as the good guys in their movies.

We don't want to lose our Chinese customers. So, there you go. AAAA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

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