Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A New Way To Celebrate Christmas

For some people, Christmas can be frustrating. You try to find the perfect gift for your friends and family, and sometimes when they open their present, you sense they're less than pleased with the gift. They look at it for a moment, and then they mutter 'Oh, Thanks. It's just what I wanted......'

Sometimes they might re-gift it or maybe it's returned to the store. 

Why not try something different? Just tell everybody you will not be exchanging gifts this year, but instead you just buy what you want yourself. You can even wrap your 'gifts' and stick them under the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning, everyone opens their gifts to themselves.

You will always get exactly what you want. After opening your presents to yourself, call the family and tell them 'Guess what you got Me. WOW!!!!! A LAPTOP COMPUTER!!!!! THANKS!!!!!'

Then, the friend(s) or family member)s) excitedly tells you what 'you got them'...........

'WOW, an adorable kitten in my Christmas stocking!. THANK YOU!!!'

Everybody gets what they REALLY wanted. Everybody's happy. Christmas has never been happier or merrier!

Try it.

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