Wednesday, June 2, 2021


In 1966, Don Knotts starred in a very funny movie, 'The Ghost And Mr. Chicken'. In one very funny scene, his character (Luther) is about to give a speech, but a gust of wind came and blew his written remarks off the podium. 

As a result, the extremely nervous character became even MORE nervous, and when he would pause and think about what he would say next, a man's voice in the crowd would yell 'ATTA BOY, LUTHER!'

This scene gives me an idea. Donald Trump should hire a guy to trail the current resident of The White House. and whenever the incoherent, lying Biden would give a speech, our guy can sarcastically yell 'ATTABOY, JOE!!!!' during the pauses.


When hypocrite Biden says that 'white supremacists' are putting America in danger, or demonizes some invented straw man, our guy can yell 'ATTABOY, JOE!!!!'

When job-killer Joe brags about job creation under his administration, the man can yell, 'ATTABOY, JOE!!!' 

Herer's another idea. Our guy can attend the 'presidential speech' with a busload of Trump supporters, and when he sarcastically yells 'ATTABOY, JOE!!!!', our Trump supporters can break out in laughter.

Joe Biden has a history of plageurism and taking credit for other people's work, so our guy can 'praise' Slow Joe in a most sarcastic manner. '


Do you remember when Slow Joe threatened to take Donald Trump out back and beat him up? Then, there's Biden's talll tale about his infamous fight with Corn Pop. Our guy should be in the audience.


This could make the next four years almostr bearable.

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