Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May I Have More Freedom, Governor Walz?

Democrats love to use children to attack Republicans, and enact their various leftist agendas, whether it's that goofy Greta Thunberg or some crumb-cruncher's 'letter' to a

Two can play this game. A child (Let's call him 'Bobby') in Tim Walz's Minnesota sent us this 'letter':

Dear Governor Walz,

Please, Sir, may I have a little bit more freedom? As I recall, you told us in March 2020 that we needed to 'mask up' and practice social distancing, then we can defeat 'Covid 19.'. We had to do what you told us, and we believed in you when you said,  '2 weeks for the cure.'  

It's May 2021 now, and I see great freedom in Red States like Florida and Texas.  They have opened their states, but governors in blue states still won't open things up. The economies are ruined and everyone still has masks over their faces. On top of that, there is talk that my family can't go anywhere unless we get vaccinated, and recieve a 'vaccine passport.'

Sir, It seems that you are turning your 'dial' in the wrong direction.

Also Sir,  Can you open up our school? I miss my classmates and chums. The teachers and their union leaders are on vacation in The Bahamas, enjoying the sun. It seems the unions want to keep the schools closed and many of the teachers want to stay on vacation.

My papa is a janitor in a hotel. If he refused to go to his job he'd be fired. What makes these educrats so special?

Papa tells me that you have 'emergency powers', but you act more like a 'control freak.' I understand that the Governor of California abused his power, so the voters might recall him. It would be a shame if the voters of Minnesota recalled you.

Grandmama died in a nursing home. Papa blames you because you told the nursing home to accept people with Covid. Is that true?!

Us kids are forced to wear these rediculous masks even though there's no young people getting sick from Covid, but the good news is that the flu is almost non-existent. Hip-hip.Horray!

Please, Sir, May we have more freedom? Your friend, Bobby.

P.S. Please, Sir, Don't make everyone take an anal swab. I do not want a stranger poking my Bum.


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