Wednesday, May 5, 2021

I Endorse Clint Eastwood As The Next Governor Of California

Now that there's enough signatures to recall Gavin Newsom, the voters in California get to either keep the unpopular Democrat as Governor or elect a new one.

Former Olympic gold medalist Caitlan (Bruce) Jenner has declared himself / herself a candidate, and there's talk of perhaps 100 to 200 other possible candidates who may run. There's even talk of several porn stars getting into the race. 

Your bushy-tailed correspondent has considered several candidates, such as former U.S. Representative (B-1) Bob Dornan and current Congressman Darryl Issa.

Just a few years ago, ultra-lib Grey Davis was recalled, and was replaced by The Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Could history repeat itself?

Let me throw a name at you. He's a Hollywood superstar and a living legend. He's also a former Mayor of Carmel, California, so he has executive experience. He has commented on politics, and he's a pretty good communicator. He's also.....well.....90 years old.

Could California voters see themselves electing CLINT EASTWOOD as the next Governor of California? I would like to see his TV campaign ads:

Dirty Harry walking into The Democrat-held State Assembly with his Magnum 44 at the ready, asking the taxing and spending Democrats, 'Feel lucky, punks?'

Maybe a TV campaign ad featuring the Outlaw Josie Wales, or a spaghetti-western TV ad. He would definately appeal to law and order, pro-police voters. If he promises to re-open the state, he can win in a landslide.

Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwazenegger, and ......Clint Eastwood? Can it happen? Get yourself some popcorn, and enjoy the show.

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