Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Will History Judge President Trump?

Some people are probably wondering how will the historians judge President Donald Trump? Here to answer that question is our correspondent from the future:

Greetings from the future. It's dark even in the daytime. The New Green Deal is law of the land. Air travel is illegal, and so are hamburgers. Thanks to Obamacare 2, there are no hospitals or doctors.

I'm not authorized to tell you when the nuclear war started by Google destroyed civilization, or when facebook started rounding people up and placed the number of the Beast inside our wrists.

I'm also not authorized to say what happens in the Presidential Election of 2020, but I CAN tell you of  your current President Trump and how he is revered by us who value freedom.

Before The Great Orange One ran for the presidency, spineless Republicans would run and cry when attacked by the evil Democrats. They would crawl before the Dems, and many would just snivel or join forces with the evil donkeys in order to be invited to the Democrat Establishment cocktail parties. 

Then, the Great Orange Cheeto arrived. He was the first Republican to fight back. He taught us how to find our spine, and he would also make us conservatives break out in laughter at the silly Dems.

He humiliated the mean-spirited jerks in the mainstream press and the shadow government who laughed at his campaign. The Trump-haters cried at their news desks when he shocked the world on Election Night 2016.

He took to Twitter and took the battle to our enemies, and when they held their Star Chamber impeachment proceedings behind closed doors, he mocked the lying, bug-eyed leaker Adam Schiff.

While The Democrats and their mouthpiece CNN waged their fake news attacks against Trump, he did greats things for the country. His trade deals with China and Mexico and tax cuts brought full employment to the American people. There was record low Black unemployment and brisk economic growth, 

He made strides to build The Wall across the southern border, and kept the throngs of illegal aliens from invading us. He was also proven right when he brought many of our troops home.

Under his unique, keen leadership, he helped Make America Great Again.

My name is Kyle, and this is my message from the future. I came across time for you, America, and hope that the American people will keep America great when they vote in November 2020.

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