Saturday, July 27, 2019

Greetings From Twitter Jail

Me in Twitter jail
On Monday I was suspended from Twitter. I saw a video on my timeline of 20-30 Muslim males in a very small boat sailing towards Europe. They were dancing.

I looked at the video and imagined they were sailing to Europe to do what Muslim males usually do while in Europe. Wage jihad, murder, rape, burn things, and cause trouble.and so I replied to the tweet:

Maybe a well-placed torpedo would wipe the smiles off their faces.

A few minutes later, I got a message informing me that I had engaged in hateful dialogue, and that I was suspended. Your bushy-tailed correspondent was sent to Twitter jail.

I thought this was weird. I've engaged in more flagrant, downright deplorable speech before this. It sure sucks not tweeting and being tweeted by my tweeps.

On the bright side, my jailers are still allowing me to share my blogposts to facebook. They've installed a hamster wheel in my tiny cage, so I get plenty of exercise. I also have had some time to think about the offending tweet.

Now that I've had time to reflect about what I had done, I would like to apologize to everyone on Twitter. I should have realized that my hurtful, inflammatory words could possible cause a terrible spike in torpedo violence. Mea Culpa.

Also, Muslim males should be free to rape, murder, set fire to cities, burn Christian churches down, fly airplanes into buildings, chop infidel heads off, forcibly convert non-Muslims, and abuse women without someone like myself mocking them.

Joking aside, whoever runs Twitter can run it as they wish. I don't subscribe to the notion that if you're suspended, that Jack Dorsey is violating your First Amendment rights. The term Twitter jail is a fun, cute way of saying that you broke their rules, and now you're suspended.

On the other hand, their rules tend to be rather silly, uneven and a bit capricious.

You would probably improve your argument if you complained that you're being discriminated against if you think they suspend conservatives more than liberals or leftists.

I think you're way off if you think of Twitter as a public utility. Nobody's stopping you from creating your own version of Twitter. In fact, there's an alternative called

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