Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ooh, Let Me Taste Your Sweet, Yummy Democrat Tears!

Ooh, let me taste your tears!......................
If you're like me, your conservative heart hurts for that poor Tom Barrett supporter, despondent over the result of Wisconsin's recall election. I almost couldn't bear to watch the weepy Wisconsin Democrat as he uttered those words to the CNN reporter:

"This was the end of America as we know it".

The RedSquirrel Report has invited this great American spokesman to share his thoughts on the Wisconsin recall election.

Hello (sniff) thanks RedSquirrel.

On Tuesday night, the state of Wisconsin had her very soul ripped out by Governor Scott Walker. This is the end of America as we know it. Democracy is dead, and I feel like Scott Walker has knocked down my door and shot my puppy! (sob)....

We were out-spent $34 million to $4 million. Scott Walker had the unmitigated nerve to accept money from outside the state, and even worse, he won't allow the state public employee unions pick the taxpayer's bones clean. Soon that evil Nazi Scott Walker will begin rounding us up. Monster! (boo hoo hoo)....

The America I've always known is over (blubber blubber). Because of this heartless maniac Walker, we will no longer be able to retire comfortably at 50, and force you suckers in the private sector to work until you're 79 (blows his nose)....

I cannot believe that we are going to be forced to contribute to our own health care plans and pensions....That is simply.....INHUMANE! (sob)....

Democrats are NEVER supposed to lose. God created us Democrats to rule, and Republicans to pay taxes. Anything short of that is just NOT RIGHT! Thank you.


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