Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Maybe Obama's Friends Can Re-Record 'We Are The World'

In the great San Joaquin Valley, the most productive and fertile farmland in the world, the farmers are being crushed by drought, and they need water to do their work. But there's a problem. The federal government, namely the Environmental Protection Agency and the Democrat-controlled Senate will not allow them to have that water.

Democrat environmentalist radicals believe the water belongs to the delta smelt, and so they have diverted that water away from the farms towards the shiny little fish.

The Senate Republicans have tried to turn the spigots back on, but The psychotic leftist Democrats are deliberately destroying America. This almost reminds me of what  Mengistu Haile Mariam's Communist regime in Ethiopia did to that country in the 1980's. That regime used man-made famine to control and tyrannize the population.

Those little delta smelt lobbyists must be persuasive. I didn't know they even voted.

Do you remember how the world reacted to the man-made famine in Ethiopia? In 1984, Bob Geldof and a group of British pop stars recorded 'Do They Know It's Christmas?'

Then, American pop stars recorded 'We Are The World'. Hey, that's what the farmers of the San Joaquin valley need. Maybe Obama's friends can re-record this song for drought relief.

Oh, this just in: The Obama Administration's EPA will use drone surveillance over cattle ranches in Nebraska and Iowa to monitor compliance of their 'Clean Water Act'.

This is just sick.

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