Monday, September 9, 2024

A RedSquirrel Editorial: Put Crocodile Dundee In Charge Of Olympic Gender Testing

Most reasonable people were repulsed when Algerian trans 'female' boxer Imane Khellf pounded on Italian Angela Carini, forcing her to quit in under a minute. The trans activists have turned Olympic boxing into a form of domestic violence.

I'm sure you've heard of swimmer 'Lia' Thomas, previously known as William Thomas. He /she is an NCAA Champion as a woman who gets to share a dressing room with actual female swimmers.

Most people believe that women should compete with other women, not men, and there should be a consistant way of knowing for sure that a competitor is a man or a woman. 

Your bushy-tailed correspondent suggests putting Crocodile Dundee in charge of testing the gender of athletes:

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