Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Here To Explain The New Budget Debt Ceiling Agreement

It appears that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and The Resident have come to an agreement, and it appears that the federal government has  avoided 'a default.'

Your bushy-tailed correspondent is checking his Twitter timeline to find how people feel about the agreement . Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) is against this deal. Other members of The Freedom Caucus are against it, too.

We asked our insider in the government about what's in this budget agreement , and this is what he had to say:

Tell ya what. We will still raise the debt ceiling, tax the country into oblivion, send half of your paycheck to Zelenskyy, the other half goes to the illegal aliens, 

and we'll fully fund 87,000 new, armed I.R.S. agents, then we kick you in the nuts, and call it a day.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Remember When Obama Boasted That He Would 'Fundamentally Transform The Country?'

The OBiden REGIME have swung our borders wide open, and millions of illegal aliens are walking over our borders. Here they come....Rapists, drug cartels, and people who couldn't make THEIR countries better, and the so-called experts tell us they will make America better.. 

In deep blue cities, large, violent groups of looters and rioters hitiing stores and hurting Normal-Americans, while the police do nothing to stop them. The government destroys what's left through shut-downs, regulations, and harsh taxes.

In the leftist stranglehold of California, there's nsane talk of Reparations, based on just skin color. The People are divided, and the media feeds the division. Obama started this.

The left is burning down our country, and burning down the system. In Democrat blue areas, it's almost impossible for a conservative to get a fair trial. The jury pools are so full of hate, and it's become so politicized, that if you're a Trump supporter, you'll be convicted even if there is NO  evidence that you ever broke any law. 

Meanwhile, Obama's shock tropps BLM and AntiFa terrorize America as Democrats deny they even exist.

Americas is becoming a banana republi with a two-tiered legal system.

District Attorneys refuse to prosecute violent Black perpetrators.....and if you're White, don't come to anyone's defence or YOU will be frog-marched and prosecuted by lunatic Soros D.A.'s.

Mentally-ill Democrats kill innocent Americans, and other mentally-ill Democrats in power propose that we take guns away from menatlly-healthy, decent Americans.

Black supremacists assault White Americans as the media gaslights America, screaming that White Supremacists are the problem. It seems like everyone and everything is racist now, except for actual racism

By the way....

....Do you remember when Obama boasted that he would 'fundamentally transform the country'?

Well, here we are.

Monday, May 22, 2023


According to jet-setter Climate Czar John Kerry, 'fahming' causes climate change. That hamburger you eat might increase the temp sometime in the future, causing floods and birds to spontaneously combust.

John Kerry is married to fabulously wealthy Ketchup heiress Teresa Heinz, so he's making a personal sacrifice. Somebody is growing a tomato that may wind up in a planet-destroying plastic bottle of Heinz Ketchup. 

It's beautful to see these ultra-rich climate change warriors willing to destroy our industries and erase jobs so that they can save a whale or a snail. 

As for The Climate Czar, harvesting the caviar he enjoys as he's hobknobbing with his World Economic Forum cohorts probably involves a much smaller carbon footprint. 


So, how will people eat if people stop farming? I don't know, but I am confident that our betters will find some alternative to food. WE can always eat bugs. Pshaw.......

Let us trust our world government to take care of us. If history has taught us anything, it's taught us that central planners always do it best! 

Hear! Hear!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


He's at the podium trying to speak

His speech garbled and his brain is weak

Joe has always been sub-par

Has trouble reading a teleprompter

He's throwing  billions for the war in Ukraine

Inflation thru the roof and another de-railed train

He just spouts out more lies

10% for the Big Guy

His administration is a freak show......

Hey look, it's Walkaway Joe

He ain't taking questions

His poll numbers are low

He's on vacation

Delaware is paradise

Has to be in bed by 5

He's just Walkaway Joe

Now,  old Joe is so very mean

reaches in your pocket and picks it clean

He doesn't have to answer to you

Nothing he says is ever true

Did his voters really ever vote for this?

Criminals don't even get a slap on the wrist

while patriots are thrown in jail

Joe tells another tall tale

He doesn't care if his poll numbers are low..........

There he goes, It'ss Walkaway Joe

Questions pre-selected

That's all, he's got to go

He wasn't really elected

Joe lies while the debt limit looms

He turns around and leaves the room

There goes Walkaway Joe

We all know that he doesn't care

He turns and falls up the stairs

of Air Force One

He wants to take away your guns

He just licks an ice cream cone.....

Bye bye, there Walkaway Joe

You should be in prison


ruining our nation

America was paradise

We're sick of all your lies

Just perpwalk away Joe...........

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Pawn Stars: California Reparations Edition

Today on Pawn Stars, The Insane California State Legislature in Sacramento are trying to pass a bill to redistribute over $4trillion from the White residents to The Golden State's Black residents. 

This bill, supported by many looney leftists, would authorize the state to pay 'reparations' for Black slavery, even though California was never a slave state. As far as we know, no White residents living in California has ever owned a slave, and no Black residents residing in California was ever a slave. 

Nobody living now was living in the 1860's.

The rest of the country sees this as yet another insane proposal. California Governor Gavin Newsome appears to support this rediculous idea.

So, our Pawn Stars will meet with a group of California Democrat leaders, led by The Governor. The California Group will try to get as much money for the residents of African descent as they can, and our Pawn Stars will negotiate with the leftist leaders, and let them know what the taxpayers of California will be willing to pay......

Sorry guys, but we're not paying any reparations. The best we can do is a one-way plane ticket back to Africa for those who are expecting us to pay them over a million dollars each for merely being Black.

Better luck next time. Come back soon. Bye, now.

Eric Cartman Blasts Gov. Tim Walz's State Of The State

On April 19, Minnesota's Democrat Governor Tim Walz delivered his highly partisan 2023 State of The State Address. Here with his rebuttal is our junior correspondent, Eric Cartman:

Governor Meisterberger 'TIMMEH' Walz delivered The 2023 State of The State Address at The Minnesota State Legislature, and said that the state of the state is strong. I think it's like totally WEAK!

The Dems run everything in Minnesota, and they're passing their extremist agenda like a NAZI PANZER division. Of course, Governor Jerk-off is basking in the evil glow. The Democrats passed the most extreme Abortion legislation in the world. As you may know, there is no death penalty in Minnesota for violent criminals, but there is a death penalty for innocent babies. NOT COOL.

The Guv bloviated about how Minnesota Republicans want to ban books, while the douchy Dems ban hunger. FACT: Republicans want to remove age-inappropriate porn from elementary schools. Do YOU support porn in elementary schools, Governor Douchebag?

As for feeding kids, are you sure that you want to mention 'feeding kids' so soon after The Democrats 'Feeding Our Future' scandal? FACT: You and your Somali supporters took a quarter of a BILLION dollars from the hard-working taxpayers and made yourselves rich off of fraud and money-laundering. 

Are you ALSO saying that Republicans want to STARVE KIDS, YOU GASLIGHTING douchebag!!!!!

You and The Democrat perverts from Hell also support this trans activist B.S.. Your new law makes  child mutilation surgery and chemical castrations easy to get, instead of giving these confused, SCREWED-UP WEIRDOS much-needed mental and spiritual counseling. Damn, you Democrats are off the rails EVIL!

By the way, about yout psycho Leiutenant-Governor Peggy Flanagan. Nice t-shirt, bitch!!!.........

ANOTHER THING. With every terrible law passed, you and The dounchey Democrats take a self-congratulatory selfie. WHAT'S NEXT? Tanks rolling down Snelling Avenue with gigantic posters of Minnesota's Communists rulers? 

That's my rebuttal. Remind me next time to discuss that Oriental chick in the Minnesota State House trying to make a big deal of J.K. Rowling and people who say stuff the commie rulers in St. Paul disapprove of. YOU CAN ALL SUCK MY BALLS!!!! I'LL SAY WHATEVA I WANT!!!!!

Minnesota's state bird is the Loon, and the state insect is the Tick (Yeah, I know it's really The Mosquito). The state is ran by LOONaTicks!!! 

That's my time. Later, Bitches!!!!