Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Preview Of Tonight's Biden Address (If He Told The Truth)

Tonight, the current resident of The White House will address Congrab. This is a preview of the address (if Joe Biden ever told the truth).....

Madame Speaker Pelosi.....Senate Majority Leader Schumer.......Vice President Harris.......

I couldn't care less for this country. What matters to me is MY PERSONAL LUST FOR POWER......AND HOW RICH I CAN GET FROM GAMING THE SYSTEM!!!!!

The new election bill .....THAT THING....passed by The House flushes The Constitution in the toilet, and ensures that The Democrats NEVER LOSE ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!!!!

The Democrats are also making Washington DC OUR 51ST STATE!!!! After we do THAT, We will make Puerto Rico OUR 52ND STATE. US DEMOCRATS ARE INSANE WITH POWER!!!!!!!!!

My administration has killed the Keystone XL Pipeline. We will kill the American domestic fossil fuel industry. Instead, we will buy our energy from Middle East countries who HATE OUR GUTS!!!!

We are bringing in illegal aliens, child traffickers, drug dealers, and murderous gangs because they will vote Democrat. We'll do ANYTHING TO WIN ELECTIONS!!! If a dangerous Central American gang kills your family......TOUGH TOENAILS!!!!

I want to take this time to tell every American to KEEP WEARING YOUR MASKS!!!! Also, make sure you get vaccinated!! You can thank me and my administration later!!!! There would not be any vaccines if it weren't for all MY HARD WORK!!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!!!!

The Fourth of July is just around the corner. I 'advise' Americans to not gather in groups larger that your immediate family, and you shouldn't travel any more that 40 miles to celebrate. BE SAFE!!!!

Now, on to my laundry list of government programs. I will introduce a $2,000,000,000 givaway to Headstart, because I want to have your children under the control of the federal government, and taught by accredited leftist educrats!

We want your children taught Critical Race Theory, and we will train our federal police force! It may cost about $6,000,000,000 but IT WILL BE WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!!

We will also spend $12,000,000,000 to retrofit EVERY BUILDING  IN AMERICA WITH SOLAR PANELS!!!!!

Then we will put an end to the internal combustion engine! SO, ONLY ELECTRIC CARS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE SOLD IN AMERICA!!!!

Next, we wil have our army of neighborhood snitches and federal police 'officers' confiscate guns across America!!!!


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