Monday, March 1, 2021

These Cancel Culture Leftists Are NUTS!!!!: A Dr. Frasier Crane Commentary

In these insane times, we at RSR are doing our best to make some sense of the world. When you watch the news, it appears that the inmates are running this asylum. Here to comment is world-famous psychiatrist, Dr. Frasier Crane:

Thank you, RedSquirrel,

I am Dr. Frasier Crane, and I am absolute nutcases who want to cancel The Muppets and Dr. Seuss! We're actually taking these people seriously instead of laughing at this silliness!

If you're offended by The Muppet Show, then you need to be wrapped in a straitjacket, and may I prescribe at least five solid years of extensive psychiatric help! 99.99999% of Americans have NO PROBLEM WITH KERMIT THE FROG! Why is the lone muppetphobe getting any attention?

This society should give the cancel culture intensive 'ridicule therapy' until they learn to keep their sick thoughts locked deep inside. Some of us love Aunt Jemima! Learn to live and let live!

As for these utter jackasses who are offended by something as benign as 'Cat In The Hat', I suggest several sessions of extreme shock therapy. We should keep these weirdos in a padded room! If you see racism in Dr. Seuss books, YOU'RE NUTS!!! You have failed the Rorschach test!!!!

A lot of the problems can be placed at the feet of American universities. The professors brainwash young people with various communistic and race idiologies, then these entitled young maniacs are set loose on society. They have no skills that will improve society, so some of them become.........EGADS!!!...POLITICIANS!!!

Then, there's the selfie culture. Many of these so-called 'protestors' you see on the nightly news are malignant narcissists. They burn down a neighborhood, and their friends take pictures. They see a man die on the news, and they protest his death BY KILLING OTHER PEOPLE AND BURNING THEIR BUSINESSES TO THE GROUND. THEN, THEY STRIKE A POSE. HEY, LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!

In conclusion, we cannot allow this madness to rule the day. We should be building prisons and asylums for these nutjobs. 

I am Dr. Frasier Crane, and I am listening.

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