Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Pajama Boy Loves The Shutdown

Nearly all self-respecting , hard-working Americans hate this shutdown. but we've found one American who really likes it:
Hello everybody!! It's Pajama Boy!

I'm here in my pillow fort. My Mom just made me some nice, warm cocoa, and I'm holding my cup with both hands (This tiny cup is surprisingly heavy!)....

My friends who were furloughed from their jobs at Starbucks have time to visit me now that the coffee place is drive-thru only. It warms my heart to think about all the people across the fruity plain staying indoors and enjoying a cup of warm cocoa!

I had quite a scare the other day when I looked at my pillows in my fort and discovered that Mom had ordered them from that Christian freak Mike Lindell! I was so traumatized I had an accident in my onesie!

I am concerned about My Lord and Savior, and President-For-Life Barack Hussein Obama. I haven't seen him since Covid 19 shut everything down. I haven't seen him on the news, taking credit for the strong economy. WHY IS THAT!!!???

I'll ask my Mom if I can stay up late tonight, and watch my man-crush, CNN's Don Lemon. Maybe he'll know..

These Democrat governors are serious about keeping their states safe. I wish that Republican governors cared as much as Democrat governors. Sigh....(Takes a sip).....

I hope that Pete Buttigieg gets back into the presidential race, and that he beats President Orange Man Bad!

Well, that's all for now. I'll have more later. Reporting from my pillow fort, is your shutdown correspondent.....

Pajama Boy.

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