Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Buford T. Justice Commentary: What the Hell Is This World Coming To?

Here to comment on recent events is our resident old school American PATRIOT, Buford T. Justice:

What the HELL is this world coming to?

In Minneapoils, Minnesota, 5 of the defendents in the Feeding Our Future fraud trial were convicted, and the Somali defendents and their friends tried to bribe the jurors. These third-world scum-bums don't see fraud, theft, bribery, or jury tampering as crimes. 

Well, when you import the turd -world, you become the turd-world. 

Meanwhile, a man was crowned 'Miss Maryland', and he/she will be competing for the Miss U.S.A. crown. What the HELL is this world coming to?

I remember the good ole days when I was just a little Buford. We had story time with cute, pretty First Grade teacher Miss Culpepper. Now, story time involves scary drag queen lunatics who look like Satan's court jesters! We are living through a NIGHTMARE!


The corrupt government persecutes our great President Trump with sick, 'trumped-up' charges involving some bullshit nonsense. Meanwhile, these corrupt city District Attorneys are completely lenient on rapists, murderers, psychopaths,, car-jackers, and marauding gangs of looters stealing everything that isn't nailed down. 

What we have here is a total disrespect for the law!

These god-damned NAZI assholes deface our stautes of George Washingtom,, and sqwawk 'From the river to the sea'. Deport their Hamas-loving asses NOW!!! The commie college professors that teach this BULLSHIT should get punched right in THE MOUTH!!! 

These are bad times. A lot of normal Americans are wondering 'What the Hell is this world coming to/'

This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice, and I'm in high-speed pursuit of you crooks and loonybirds. The voters are gonna barbeque your asses in molasses in November! THAT'S A BIG 10-4!!!!

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