Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dear (Current) Occupant (Of The White House)

Dear (Current) Occupant ( the White House),

Last week, America learned of your re-election strategy includes the writing off of the white working class. Wow.  How is even possible that a U.S. President can even get away with admitting this in public?

Instead, your re-election campaign will concentrate on support from college academics, artistes, actors, unionistas, and of course, the black and Hispanic 'underclass'.  By publicly disclosing that your 2012 campaign will not even seek the white, working class vote, you are really bragging that you have destroyed the white working class, and are trying to marginalize this voting block. It also proves that you are racist, as well as a liar.

In 2008, you ran as a post-racial candidate. As President, you have divided the American people by race and class. You have fanned the flames of intolerance, and have given your support to the violence and anti-Semitism of the 'occupy Wall Street movement'.

We the people reserve the right to impeach you, and remove you from your current residence for your role in Operation Fast and Furious, as well as your administration's unprecendented level of corruption and criminal activity.

On November 6, 2012, your landlords (the voters) are going to evict you. Be out of the White House by January 20, 2013.

J. Redsquirrel.

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