Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Our NYC Correspondent Jackie Mason Reports From The Trump 'Hush Money' Trial

On April 22, opening arguments began in the bogus 'Hush Money' trial of Presidential candidate Donald Trump. He is accused of trying to prevent negative press (a supposed affair with porn star Stormy Daniels) from going public. In other words, he was running a political campaign.

Our busy New York correspondent Jackie Mason is here, and files this report:

Hello RedSquirrel, and all you mensches!

Oy vey! On Day 2 of this bogus Donald Trump Trial in Manhattan,  fat paskudnik Alvin Bragg was still pushing the charge that The Trumpster engaged in an illegal scheme to pay porn star Stormy Daniels so-called 'hush money' to hide a ficticious affair, and somehow that is a feloney while it's not even a crime!

The prosecution's star witness, serial perjurer putz Michael Cohen admitted that HE paid Daniels, and that Trump knew nothing about it.

These creepy jerks have real chutzpah , twisting the laws like a pretzel and charging Trump with a made-up 'campaign finance' crime.  This whole thing shtunks.

They call it 'hush-money' if Donald Trump supposedly does it, but it's a 'non-disclosure agreement' when anyone else does it? This is kanfiuzing. This is so downright fercockt!!!!

Also, that creepy judge Merchan has ordered a gag order on Trump, so Trump can't say what a bunch of corrupt, lying, sleazebag pishers the persecutors are, while The Trumpster's rotten, corrupt enemies can say whatever they want. This isn't just unfair, it's downright banana republic SCHMEGEGGE!!!

Merchan's daughter is making money off of this rediculous circus! What a bunch of defective people! Any normal, decent American should have contempt for THIS COURT!

The creepy judge tried to tell Trump that he couldn'r go to see his son Barron graduate from high school! Trump should tell the pisher judge to GO TO HELL!

Well, that's it from The Donald Trump 'Hush Money' Bullshit Trial here in downtown Manhattan, Back to you.

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