Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It's What Democrats Do....

Funnyman Groucho Marx said that politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. The great political thinker Thomas Sowell said that politics is the art of making your selfish desires sound like the national interest.

Your bushy-tailed correspondent has observed that Democrats ignore real problems, and invent fake problems which they 'solve' while demonizing their political opponents for not caring about the fake problems. Then, they rob the taxpayers blind while rewarding their corrupt, filthy-rich supporters with the stolen, misappropriated taxpayer money. They do it in the name of solving the fake problem(s).

Case in point: The Democrats and The scandal-ridden Feeding Our Future program / fraud. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is known for saying 'We want to ban hunger while Republicans want to ban books.'

The truth is, the Democrats' and their allies in the local news media have banned the TRUTH. 80,000 Somalis have took overThe Twin Cities in a 'mostly' bloodless coup. Most of these Democrat supporters made off literally like pirates. defrauding the taxpayers of over $250 million, Walz accuses his Republican opponents of 'starving kids' as if we were living in 1985 Ethiopia. 

Absolutley offensive, false, and ridiculous. Walz rewarded his corrupt, third-world supporters with the taxpayer's hard-earned money.

Timmy lies, and the local Twin Cities media add to this obscene myth that The Marxist Woodtick is somehow 'America's cool Dad'. He dresses like Elmer Fudd and proudly eats State Fair food like a champ. Meanwhile, The Twin Cities media hype him incessantly while he ruins the state. He gets better press with the Twin Cities media than Joseph Stalin ever did with Soviet Union state-run media.

They yap about him 'being a teacher', while he ruins OUR schools. Minnesota has traditionally led the country in education, but Walz has ruined Minnesota schools. Now the state has fallen to 17th place in the country. But, at least, rich kids get to feed their face at Minnesota's government schools.

The media also spreads the falsehood that Republicans 'want to ban books', when they already know that The Republicans only want inappropriate reading materials like porn out of elementary schools.

One more thing. Did you notice in last week's ABC debate, the moderators fact-checked truth-teller Donald Trump non-stop, while they let serial liar Kamala Harris lie about her record?

Democrats lie incessantly. That's what Democrats do. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Almost A Week Has Passed Since The ABC Debate........

It is Monday, September 16th.....

12:15 p.m.

6 days have passed since The ABC Presidential Debate....

....and Democrat candidate Kamala Harris is still on the stage LYING.......

Monday, September 9, 2024

A RedSquirrel Editorial: Put Crocodile Dundee In Charge Of Olympic Gender Testing

Most reasonable people were repulsed when Algerian trans 'female' boxer Imane Khellf pounded on Italian Angela Carini, forcing her to quit in under a minute. The trans activists have turned Olympic boxing into a form of domestic violence.

I'm sure you've heard of swimmer 'Lia' Thomas, previously known as William Thomas. He /she is an NCAA Champion as a woman who gets to share a dressing room with actual female swimmers.

Most people believe that women should compete with other women, not men, and there should be a consistant way of knowing for sure that a competitor is a man or a woman. 

Your bushy-tailed correspondent suggests putting Crocodile Dundee in charge of testing the gender of athletes:

Kamala Harris Unveils A Brand New Campaign Slogan:

This week, The American People are learning that third-world migrants let into the country are eating family cats in Ohio and taking over apartment building in Colorado, intimidating the landlords and extorting rent from tenants. 

No wonder Kamala Harris doesn't want anyone to remember that she's Biden's Border Czar. Most Americans don't even know who is running the country.

However, the Harris-Walz 2024 campaign are excited today,  unveiling their brand new campaign slogsn:

Harris-Walz 2024: 'A Cat In Every Pot And A Venezuelan Gang In Every Apartment Building'