Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Meet Biden's Environment Czar Walter Peck

We're in the middle of the presidential election , and here at RSR we begin a series where we introduce our readers to members of incumbent joe biden regime.

Today, we introduce you to Biden's Environment Czar, Walter Peck. If you wonder why Biden supports banning gas stoves, incandescent light bulbs, and gas-powered automobiles, it is because Walter Peck has the ear of the 'President'.

Environmental activists compare Walter Peck to long-time Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci. In 1984, Peck ordered The Ghostbusters to turn off their GCS (Ghost Containment System), setting all the ghosts free.

The Czar explains his role in The Biden Administration:

Yes, I am Walter Peck, Chief Environmental Czar for The Biden Administraion. I have been with the E.P.A. for 49 years now. I am an expert in Climate change, and I like pushing my weight around against those who do not comply with the federal government.

I consider the banning of gas stoves, incandescent light bulbs, and gas-powered automobiles as my three greatest triumphs. Those three products would destroy the planet if I didn't act as fast as I did to stop climate change.

My first act as the current Enviromental Czar was to advise President Biden to kill The Keystone XL Oil  Pipeline Project. Now, we are getting our oil from foreign countries, and I am very proud of my work there.

My earlier work saved The North American coastine from the polluters, and I saved Antartica and the polar bears from extinction.. I've worked with celebrities like Ted Danson and Former Vice-President Al Gore to stop the environmental degradation of Planet Earth. Because of me and my panic-mongering cohorts, Planet Earth's doom has been delayed.

I am still proud with my role in The Ghostbusters Affair. I steadfastly believe I saved New York City that day. Sometimes you pay a price for doing the 'right thing', as I was covered with about 35 pounds of melted marshmellow because of those environment-wrecking Ghostbuster maniacs.

On top of everything else, they called me 'Dickless.' 

When it comes to banning gas-powered automobiles, I am proud to say that because of me, we won't be driving gas-guzzling autos anymore. Instead, we will need more 9 year-old Nigerian slave cobalt miners to make my E.V. (electric vehicles) dream possible!

I am working closely with The F,B,I, to hunt down those outlaws who try to sell or purchase incandescent light bulbs. I warn anybody who try to buy or sell the old light bulbs on the Black Market that THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WILL COME AFTER YOU! If we catch you, we will throw you in Biden Gulags along with J6 prisoners!


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