Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ted Koppel: Once Again, Deplorable Joe Deal has Been 'Partially' Suspended From Twitter

This is Nightline, with host Ted Koppel:

Good evening. Joe Deal, known on Twitter as 'Deplorable' Joe Deal, has been partially suspended from Twitter. Again.

He was logged in to Twitter/X Thursday night, and viewed the horrifying video of a man following a woman down a city sidewalk, 'lassoing' her throat with his belt, snapping her head back before taking the unconscious woman between two parked car and sexually assaulting her.

Deal tweeted 'Put the psychotic animal in the electric chair.' Ten minutes later, he discovered that he had once again broken Twitter's capricious and rediculous RULES against violent hate speech against violent, psychopathic criminals. Apparently, some people do not hate violent rapists, and those people work at Twitter.


If someone tweeted that mass-murdering dictator Hitler deserved to be executed, would the LOONEY, ULTRA-SENSITIVE SNOWFLAKES at Twitter suspend the individual who tweeted it? 

Societies put violent criminals to death all the time. We don't really consider capitol punishment as 'violence', but a remedy for evil acts. The people at Twitter don't seem to know this.

Joe Deal, who blogs as The RedSquirrel Report, has seen his Twitter account in various states of suspension 3 times in the last 5 years. He is allowed to read posts on his timeline, but he's not allowed to post for 7 days. In Twitterworld, that's like a political prisoner being allowed visitors as long as he or she doesn't do any speaking.

So, on Day 3 of Joe Deal's 7-day partial Twitmo suspension, he counts down the days when he can tweet again. Until then, He could file an appeal.

From the staff here at Nightline this is Ted Koppell. Goodnight.

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