Wednesday, February 24, 2021

This Blog Is Ten Years Old (February 16, 2011)


Some guys are really bad at remembering anniversaries. I'm sorry, Honey.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Top 10 Ways You Can Act 'Less White'

The Coca-Cola Corporation is telling it's employees to 'act less White.' Here are the Top 10 Ways you can start to act 'less White,':

10. Start wearing you pants under your ass.

  9. Start a riot. Set fire to business(es).

  8. Demand reparations.

  7. Get a gang together, and rob an elderly lady at knife.point.

  6. Take an I-POD on public transportation, and crank up the gangsta rap.

  5. Get someone pregnant, and don't marry her.

  4. Get bad grades.

  3. Topple a statue.

  2. Spraypaint public areas. 

  1. Learn the art of CARJACKING

Tuesday, February 16, 2021



.....from the cable news network who brought us mostly peaceful riots.....

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci: How To Safely Watch The Superbowl

Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's foremost health expert, is here to tell us how to safely enjoy today's Super Bowl:

Dear America. You can enjoy the Super Bowl if you just obey me and the government.  The first thing you must understand is that 'compliance if key.' You must wear at least 1 face mask. If 1 face mask is good, then 2 face masks are better. Oh heck, wear at least 3.

Don't invite anyone to your Super Bowl party.The Super Bowl lasts only 1 day. Death is forever! Don't risk serious sickness or even death by inviting peoplke over. One of them might be infected with Covid19. 

The best place to have your Super Bowl party is in a very small space, preferably your bathroom. If you can't see what's going on from your bathroom, perhaps listening to the big game on the radio will be just as enjoyable. Remember to lock the bathroom door.

Most Americans enjoy the big game with snacks. I don't recommend pizza or anything with hot sauce, because it's not really very healthy. I recommend carrot and celery sticks instead. You can enjoy a nice, big salad or some apples.

If you have children in your house, the Biden Administration advises parents to keep the kids locked in their room. Don't infect your kids with Covid.

O.K., Your all alone watching the big game. You should have a telephone nearby because if the team you're rooting for makes a big play, you'll want to yell loudly. Just call your friend and yell into the phone. Isn't this sounding like fun?

After the game is over, clean up after yourself, or someone in your househould could catch Covid from uneaten food.

Have a great Super Bowl Sunday, America! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

My Cousin Vinny Comments On Impeachment


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Happy Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and we here at RSR will cover the great history of people with dark skin.

Somewhere between 20,000 and 20,000,000 years ago, God created The Black Race, and everything was great. That is, until The White Devil came along and ruined everything.

Then, Hell opened, and in 1619 America was created by slave-holding honkeys like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. As we all know, The United States was created by evil capitalists dedicated to enslaving African-Americans.

Unfortunately, America still exists.

Peaceful protests broke out in Democrat-controlled cities in 2020 after George Floyd overdosed on Fentenyl while in police custody. 

Black Lives Matter, the peaceful, Marxist organization who peacefully burned down neighborhoods and killed cops in Democrat-controlled cities, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2021. 

This is RedSquirrel, and this is Black History Month.

20 More Undenialable Truths About Democrats

21. To Democrats, George Orwell's '1984' is a 'how-to' manuel.

22. Democrats believe in censoring speech they disagree with. If they think they can get away with it, they would make speech they disagree with a crime

23. Democrats believe that forcing Christians to fund abortions will bring about 'unity.'

24. Democrats believe that the fossil fuel industry will wipe out the planet. Real Americans like fossil fuels because they're cheap and plentiful.

25. Democrats will harm you just to make a Republican look bad. The Democrats forced a tax hike down President George Herbert Walker Bush's throat in 1990, and it cost him a second term.

26. As we are learning all over again, Democrats don't care if they destroy your job. 

27. Democrats love colleges because that is the place where young skulls full of mush are indoctrinated into embracing socialism.

28. Democrats destroy everything, yet they never, ever apologize.

29. Both patrties are corrupt, but let's just face the truth. Democrats are a HELL alot more corrupt than Republicans.

30. If a Republican doesn't like a TV show or a radio show, he or she doesn't watch it. If a Democrat doesn't like a TV show or radio show, they try to force it off the air.

31. Right now America is learning why we shouldn't EVER let Democrats run ANYTHING. They are evil, bullyiing tyrants.

32. Republicans vote, then go to work. Sometimes they go to work, then vote. Democrats love voting, voting twice, vote harvesting, changing the rules in the middle of the game, voting by mail, re-programming vote machines, disenfranchized military voter serving overseas while accusing Republicans of disenfranchizing Black voters, registering dead voters, and voting for their cats and/or their underaged children.

33. Democrats ONLY care about their party, nothing else.

34. Democrats believe only the military and police (and criminals) should have guns.

35. Democrats are 'America Last.' America's enemies should get everything they want and The American taxpayer has to pay for it.

36. To Democrats, there are good jobs and there are 'bad' jobs.

37. Democrats are AT WAR with The Constitution.

38. The richer the Democrat, the more corrupt he or she is.

39. Whenever a Democrast uses the word 'unity', they really mean their opponents 'have to submit to their evil, leftist masters.'

40. To a Democrat, corruption is normally 'the family business.'
